Getting Healthy & Falling Pregnant with Best10

Many of you have messaged me to ask me about my 10 weeks with Best10. I went a bit quiet towards the end, well…because I had a little baby forming in my belly that none of you knew about.

I’m going to start from the beginning to put the entire process into perspective for you, answering some of the frequently asked questions along the way. Before starting my 10 week journey, I had a call with James from Best10. James was my coach and personal trainer. This is the initial consultation you’ll have with the Best10 team before you actually begin with the program. The purpose of this call is for the team to get an understanding of what you are trying to achieve over the 10 weeks. For me, it was to tone and to just feel healthier and stronger. I explained that due to my PCos, I wanted to eliminate dairy and sugar from my diet.

They then take all of these things into consideration when working on your unique daily workouts and meal plans. What I loved was receiving my shopping list and workout guide the weekend before. This gave me time to prepare, do my grocery shopping and to make sure I was in the right headspace before the next week would begin. Having a shopping list and daily meal plan made the world of difference to me. It prevents you from overeating, snacking or giving into those cravings you may experience in the first couple of weeks.

A Whatsapp group is created just for you, with your own trainer and your own dietician. Here you will share and be reminded about your weigh-in’s and your photos every few weeks. This is also their way of holding you accountable with every meal and for all of your workouts. You’ll send a photo of every meal and snack. I loved communicating this way and found it so easy. You’ll also be surprised at how motivated you can be by your trainer through a Whatsapp message when you need that extra kick.

I was initially a bit worried about the meals – I wasn’t sure if I’d be eating enough or enjoy the meals that were planned for me. I also was worried they’d be complicated or expensive, but I was so pleasantly surprised by the meals. I often made enough to keep as leftovers for lunch the next day which was ideal. I quickly got the hang of my portion sizes, and was honestly NEVER left feeling hungry after a meal. Because you do your grocery shop weekly, I’d buy enough for the week, so hardly ever found I had to go back to the shop.

A lot of people asked me if the meals were suitable for the entire family – short answer, ABSOLUTELY! There were a few meals I’d just change out the quinoa for rice or pasta for them, or simplified things – but in general, they were happy with the meals that I ate, and we enjoyed them as a family.

I loved my workouts! I honestly really enjoyed that time of the day that was set out for my exercise. At first, I tried to do them in the afternoon, which isn’t easy as a Mom. I quickly learnt to wake up earlier, before my son woke up, so I could complete my workout for the day, and have my smoothie. I found this time of the morning so wonderful! It is honestly the best start to the day. Once that workout was done, I found that my day was so hard to ruin. Initially it was a bit challenging waking up so early, but I soon adjusted and looked forward to those early mornings.

Like all exercise, it takes a while for your body to adjust. But it was amazing to see how my body got stronger each week! Burpees were my absolute WORST, but by week 3, I had actually started to enjoy them a bit more, and it was so rewarding to see how my body was managing to do a few more each week. I loved that when I wasn’t sure if I was doing something correctly, I could just take a video and send it to my Whatsapp group, and James would tell me if I needed to do it differently. On your workout guide for each week, there is a video that shows you exactly how to do each different movement. This also helps so much! I’d watch it before so I didn’t need to stop during my workout.  Now onto a question that so many people have asked me since I have announced my pregnancy – ‘what is the secret to you having fallen pregnant after struggling for so long due to PCos?’.

I have no special answer. I have no magic tricks. I didn’t take any fertility meds. The only answer I can give you was that I was living a healthy lifestyle. I’d been doing Best10 for 7/8 weeks already when I fell pregnant! Exercising 5 times a week, eating exactly what my body needed to be eating – and boom! The magic happened.

There are no special cures to PCos. The only thing women that suffer with PCos can do is look after their bodies. Remove the things from your ‘diet’ that you shouldn’t be putting in your body – for me, refined sugar and dairy. Keep active, keep moving! It takes hard work and dedication, but nothing worth fighting for comes easily or it wouldn’t be worth it.

If you have PCos or are struggling with fertility, I can highly, highly recommend having a team like Best10 assist you in adjusting your lifestyle – just giving you that direction that you need to make that change. This isn’t just about weight loss, but rather about improving your overall health and lifespan. In my opinion, that’s the best investment you can make for yourself. I also found that by eating better, with a plan designed for me by a registered dietician, and exercising frequently, my family started to naturally do it too. You’ll inspire them by just making those changes yourself.

So for me, having lost over 36cm and 5kg was a bonus. But having had my wish of falling pregnant naturally, despite having PCos, was like a dream come true. It was invaluable. I will never be able to put a monetary value to this journey with Best10. The reason why I am so certain that it was this specific journey that made the difference is because I fell pregnant with my son back in 2013 exactly the same way.

It was never about weight loss for me. When you eat well and exercise frequently, that comes naturally. For me, it was about being stronger, being committed to something that made a positive impact on my life. It was about having a team be on my side – motivating me and cheering me on because they believed in me. It was about being able to do something for myself in the comfort of my own home.

Best10 has made me so headstrong. I became a different person over my 10 week journey, mentally and physically. In week 1, I wasn’t sure I was strong enough to get through 10 weeks, yet by week 4, I was here for the long run, and I am so grateful for everything that I have learnt that will stay with me forever.

If you are keen to start your own journey with Best10, you can simply head over to their website to book a consultation with someone from the Best10 team. And if you use my code: OMM15 , you will get 15% off!

Thank you for following this journey with me, and I am so ecstatic about what I accomplished, and how my entire life has changed since I started. Please do tell me if you sign up so I can follow along on your journey too.  

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